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You are great at what you do. So why is that not enough?

Updated: 8 hours ago

Imagine you are in a room with the world’s biggest ‘A- listers.’ Not just any room. It’s Oscars night and you are there cos you have been nominated for ‘Best Supporting Actor.

YOU, are Richard E Grant and the film is ‘Can You Ever Forgive me,’ co-starring Melissa McCarthy. You find yourself talking to your lifelong hero, Barbra Streisand. You love Babs SO much, you even have a giant granite statue of her face in your garden! You like, REALLY love her.

Spike Lee joins the chat. (Yep, the legendary director and activist.) What would these 3 behemoths of their crafts possibly be talking about?

Quoting directly from Richard E Grant,


This is Richard E Grant, Barbra Streisand and Spike Bloody Lee! If THEY feel like this, then no wonder we do! So, this is the big secret. Everyone suffers from Imposter Syndrome at some time. Its part of the human condition. Queen Oprah talks about her interminable ‘need to please’, not feeling worthy and saying yes to everything as a result, because she wanted folks to think she was a nice person. This habit was only kicked well into her 5th decade.

I take so much faith in this. We are all the same. Even the superhumans, who look like they have it SO sorted, their farts smell of peonies! We are all just wee souls, trying to make our way in the world.

One final thing. ‘A Pocketful Of Happiness’ by Richard E Grant is one of the most life affirming books I have ever read. It’s authentic, raw and really, a giant open love letter to his wife. True love is real. That’s also something to feel good about.  And his fan mail to Barbra, written at the tender age of 14 is EVERYTHING!


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